Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

How to Make a Good Presentation Slide

Before you present a presentation in front of your boss, your friend and your audience, a good presentation must be made so that the audience will pay a lot of attention to you. A good presentation also contain a good slide. Here I will share some tips to make presentation slide look better.

Ok, here are the tips..

1. Simple

Simple slide is easy to understand and make the eyes of the audience comfortable. Don't fill the slide with to many picture or writing. Just write the point that you want to share. By just writing the point, the audience will wait the explanation of the point that you have made. 

If you write the explanation of presentation with long sentences, the audience will just read it and they won't pay attention to you anymore after that. And also use a simple background too.

2. There is a logo

If you are a student of one school, you can use its logo and attach it in the top right or top left of your presentation. Make it appear in every slide that you make.

3. The font is easy to read

Another simple thing that must be taken into consideration is simple font. Simple font make the audience easier to read the point that you want to make.

4. Supporting data

Use supporting data to make slide even better. For example you can use graph as additional information to the audience.

5. Use interesting picture

Picture can be used to describe the point that we want to share. It make the message that you want to deliver feel stronger. Make sure the picture is related to the point.

At last don't forget to practice by yourself before the day of the presentation.. Good luck and hope this will help you a lot..

